her skal jeg fortælle om mine erfaringer med mit strik og indimellem også vise nogle billeder af det som bevis på at jeg virkelig får lavet noget!
mandag, marts 31, 2008
lørdag, marts 29, 2008

-Two wonderful women have nominated me for a "Blogger with a purpose" award. And I´m so happy with it, because they thought of me and because they have written such sweet things about me and my blog. First it was Iréne, a lovely person, who has a magnificent yarnshop and has so often made me happy and surprised with unexpected yarn gifts. And then there was Helle, she who has the most wonderfully beautiful grandchildren and who makes so many amazing and pretty things with her hands.
-Men, jeg har et problem. Jeg har 240 blogge på mit Bloglines og der er så utrolig mange af dem der er så dejlige og smukke og interessante og specielle. Hvordan skal jeg kunne vælge kun 5 af dem? Nu har jeg tænkt over det grundigt og det kan jeg altså bare ikke! Så, et stoooort tak til jer alle der skriver og viser billeder fra jeres liv og giver mig lov til at deltage kun en lille smule i det der foregår hos jer.
-But I have a problem. I have 240 blogs on my Bloglines and there are so incredibly many of them that are so lovely and beautiful and interesting and special. How am I supposed to choose only 5 of them? I have now thought it over carefully and I just can´t! So, a biiiiig thank you to all of you who write and post pictures from your lives and allow me to participate in just a small portion of what goes on with you.
torsdag, marts 27, 2008
-Just stepped on the scale, and these last few days have cost me 6pounds! So it seems that nothing´s so bad that it isn´t good for something!
Inget strik, i stedet har jeg været på hospital!/ No knitting, instead I have been hospitalized!
-Sorry, too tired to tell you the whole story also in english. The short version: Saturday afternoon I got an infection in the jaw bone, ended up lying in hospital with intravenus antibiotics and morphine until yesterday afternoon, where I was sent to my dentist who succeeded in drilling his way through a filled up root canal and down into the bone and relieve the pressure. So no knitting at all since saturday morning, and now I´m just sitting here (got home last night) and resting with a stack of antibiotic and pain killing pills, totally exhausted.
lørdag, marts 22, 2008
Lördag, strikke opdatering / Saturday, knitting update

-Tæppet vokser og nærmer sig nu sluttet. Der er nogle der har spurgt hvis jeg kan lave opskrifter til mine tæpper. Hm, jeg har ikke skrevet noget ned. Men, hvis I er lidt tålmodige skal jeg pröve at tage mig sammen når jeg er færdig med dette og få skrevet ned en generel vejledning.
-The blanket is growing and is now close to finished. A few people have asked for patterns for my blankets. Hm, I haven´t written anything down. But, if you´re patient I´ll try, when I´m finished with this one, to write down a general description.
-Ærmet til husbondssweateren er der ikke lavet meget på, se den pinke markör hvor jeg startede efter sidste fremvisning. Jeg er ikke helt tilfreds, synes den ser lidt smal ud, så nu skal jeg måle og pröve den på inden jeg strikker længere. Håber jeg ikke bliver nödt til at trævle den op.
-The sleeve for the husbandsweater hasn´t seen much work, see the pink marker where I started after I last showed it to you. I´m not quite happy with it, looks kind of narrow, so now for some measuring and trying on before I go any further. Hope I won´t have to frog it.
-I sidste uge var jeg til et seminar, en hel dag med forelæsninger, og ingen af de andre projekter var direkte praktiske at tage med. Så, jeg startede op på en enkel börnesweater i Opal strömpegarn. Bliver nok en födselsdagsgave til en lille kusine.
-And last week I sat in a seminar, a whole day with lectures, and none of the other projects are particularly portable. So, I started a simple kids´ sweater in Opal sockyarn. It´ll probably be a birthday present for a little cousin.
-Jeg satser på at tæppet er færdigt inden næste fremvisning om en uge, og ærmet skal enten være begyndt igen eller halvfærdigt. Tröjen får være "tag-med-strikketöj".
-I´m betting on the blanket to be finished for the next show off in a week´s time, and the sleeve should either be restarted or halffinished. The little sweater will be the "bring-along-project".
torsdag, marts 20, 2008
Webstrik KAL 2008
-My internet knitting group has started up a new KAL, see HERE, very exciting. But, I just can´t muster more projects right now, so I´m not in at the beginning. But, I bought all the patterns, so don´t be surprised if I hop on sometime during the year.
søndag, marts 16, 2008
Når man er syg... / When you´re sick...
lørdag, marts 15, 2008
Lördagsstrik /Saturday knitting

fredag, marts 14, 2008
-Well, formally my vacation doesn´t start until monday. But, since I never work fridays anyway I´m choosing to say that my vacation starts today. There´s a list with practical stuff that needs to be done, but it´s only a short one and I expect to be done with most of it today and tomorrow. After that I´m just going to knit, relax and get some rest. Lovely! I´ll return tomorrow with a knitting update.
onsdag, marts 12, 2008
Skönt at være opskattet / Nice to be appreciated
-I´m really happy now! I got a raise on my wages today! And it´s almost 40%, and the best of all is that I hadn´t said anything at all. I just had a meeting today with my boss where we were discussing various stuff concerning projects to come. And then suddenly he said: "No, this can´t go on! This is much more work than we talked about in the beginning. You´ll have to get more for this." And that´s how it´s gonna be.
onsdag, marts 05, 2008
FO og et problem /FO and a problem
lørdag, marts 01, 2008