-Så er vi hjemme igen efter 2 ugers ferie på nordvestkysten hos min familie. Skulle egentlig have blevet til 3 uger, men vi var blevet "trætte" af at ligge og lave ingenting. Det var skönt, vi blev pylret om af min mor, vi var til camping på hestestævnen, vi var til bryllup på landet og vi fik det skönneste sommervejr man kan tænke sig, som bedst ses på mine forbrændte skuldre. Först vil jeg vise jer nogle billeder for at I kan se hvor smukt det er deroppe.
-We are home again after 2 weeks holiday up on the northwestcoast with my family. Should have been 3 weeks but we got "tired" of lying around doing nothing. It was lovely, we got spoiled by my mother, we were on a camping at the horsefair, we went to a wedding out in the countryside and we got the best summerweather you can wish for, which is best seen by my heavily burnt shoulders. First I will show you some pictures so you can see how beautiful it is up there.

-På billedet hvor min man og min yngste sön står og kigger ned af bjerget kan man se direkte ud til det arktiske hav, lige ud til vest nogle hundrede kilometer lander man på Grönlands östkyst.
-In the picture where my husband and my youngest son are looking down the edge of the mountain you can see straight out to the arctic ocean, straight ahead a few hundred kilometes to the west you land on Greenlands east-coast.

-And some knitting, this got finished during the holiday.

-Den er strikket af Katia Jamaica bomuld, köbt sidste år her, og noget ældgammelt brunt bomuldsgarn jeg fik af min mor da hun lukkede sin butik for mange år siden. Knapperne fandt jeg i min mors gemmer og opskriften kommer fra Vogue Knitting spring/summer 06, dog har jeg ændret på den, jeg lavede kanterne i perlestrik istedet for retstrik. Og modtageren er min datter, teenageren.
-It´s knitted out of Katia Jamaica cotton, bought last year here, and some ancient brown cotton I got when my mother closed down her shop many years ago. The buttons I found in my mothers stash and the pattern comes from Vogue Knitting spring/summer 06, although I changed it a bit, I made the borders in moss-stitch instead of garter stitch. And the recipient is my daughter, the teenager.

-Min Forecast ser nu sådan ud, siden billedet blev taget har jeg gjort kroppen færdig, så nu begynder jeg på ærmer i morgen.
-My Forecast now looks like this, since the picture was taken I have finished the body, so now I will begin the sleeves tomorrow.

-I started up on a shawl for my friends 50th birthday, but am not sure, therefore I stopped here, I have to think it over a little.

-Blanket nr.3 for the webstrik knitalong is nearing it´s finish and the start for blanket nr.4 got frogged and started again, now in modular knitting.