-Ingen blogning den næste uge eller så. Vi rejser i dag til camping oppe i nordvest. Weekenden vil gå med en stor slægttræf, min farfars söskende og deres afkommende mödes og hygger sig sammen. Godt nok er der kun én gammel tante tilbage af de gamle söskende, der oprindelig var 10 styk, men de fleste af deres börn, börnebörn, oldebörn og tipoldebörn möder op. Vejret ser ud til at blive rigtig fint, så det bliver nok hyggeligt. Bagefter tager vi hjem med mine forældre og skal være hos dem nogle dage, måske en hel uge, ikke helt bestemt endnu. Jeg har naturligvis strikketöj med, så forhåbentlig kan jeg vise noget frem når jeg kommer hjem igen. Vi ses!
-No blogging for the next week or so. We drive out today to go camping in the north-west. The weekend will be spent in a family reunion, my paternal grandfather´s siblings and their descendants will meet up and have a good time together. True, there´s only one old aunt left of the old siblings, there was originally 10 of them, but most of their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren are showing up, so it will be nice for sure. It seems the weather will be nice, so we´ll have a good time. After this we´ll drive home with my parents and stay with them for a few days, maybe a whole week, not decided yet. I´ll have my knitting with me, of course, so hopefully I´ll be able to show you something when I get back. See you!
her skal jeg fortælle om mine erfaringer med mit strik og indimellem også vise nogle billeder af det som bevis på at jeg virkelig får lavet noget!
fredag, juni 29, 2007
torsdag, juni 28, 2007
Nå, hvad laver jeg så? / So, what am I doing?

-Der arbejdes lige nu på tre projekter. Husbondssweateren skrider fremad, sagte, men dog fremad. Jeg har hoppet på bölgen som så mange andre i blogland, og startet min förste Green Gable, i noget bordeauxfarvet skinnende bomuld. Og så, fordi vi skal ud at rejse, så skal der et rigtig enkelt hjerne-frit strikketöj til, så jeg har igen, igen startet op på en börnetröje efter Vivians opskrift, strikket i regnbuefarvet Regia og Opal konfetti.
-I´m working on three projects at the moment. The husbandssweater is coming along, slowly, but it´s going forward. I´ve jumped aboard the Green Gable train, knitting it in some bordeaux shining cotton. And then, since were about to travel, I needed something completely brain-free, so again, again, I have cast on for a kiddy sweater from Vivian´s pattern, knitted in rainbow-coloured Regia and Opal konfetti.
onsdag, juni 27, 2007
Noget færdigt! / Something finished!

-Jeg er jo med i Webstrik Knitalongen, hvor vi hver måned får til opgave at strikke af forudbestemt garntype. Denne måned skulle vi strikke af noget ualmindeligt/underligt/anderledes garn. Jeg havde dette i mine gemmer.
-I´m a member of Webstrik´s Knitalong, where we each month get an assignment for a specific type of yarn. This month we were supposed to knit with some unusual/strange/different yarn. I had this in my stash.

-The yarn is actually not a yarn, it´s unspun, it´s just wool drawn out and oversewn by machine with a dark brown thread and then zig-zagged with a gold thread. It´s really thick, intended for needles US16. Originally I had intended it for a jacket for myself, but then realized that it would be too thick. So I asked on webstrik for ideas, some suggested a shawl, but there was too much yarn for one shawl and not enough for two.

-Like these problems weren´t enough; I had 13 balls, one of them was a totally different colour, i.e. pink rather than orange, and the others had 3 different colour numbers. So what do you do? I dug out the biggest needles in my possession, US17!!, cast on 70st and started knitting in garter stitch. After I finished I had only about 6feet of yarn left, and lastly I crocheted an edging with Lopi Light in a matching orange colour. And now I have a baby-pram blanket for the gift box, I think it came out quite nice. It´s soft, thick and warm, just what an icelandic baby needs for it´s pram.

-Best of all, the blanket weighs 690grams, so total usage is up to 5.043grams from start of Useyourstash-along. And I even have one more finished item, but you will get to see that one later.
tirsdag, juni 26, 2007
Nyt til boghylden / New additions for my bookshelf

-Ja, når man ikke må köbe garn, så må man da köbe noget andet, ikke? Jeg mener, jeg kan da ikke lade penge hobe sig op over alt i huset, vel? Ja, jeg har köbt strikkeböger. Det er tre af Elizabeth Zimmerman´s fire böger, nu mangler jeg kun Knitting Workshop. Og så har min favorit boghandel begyndt at importere Interweave Knitting, yessss!
-Well, when you can´t buy yarn, you have to buy something else, right? I mean, I can´t have money piling up all over the house, can I? Yes, I bought knitting books. It´s three of Elizabeth Zimmerman´s four books, now I just need Knitting Workshop. And my then my favourite bookshop has started to import Interweave Knitting, yesss!
-Jeg vender tilbage i morgen med billeder et færdigt projekt.
-I´ll be back tomorrow with photos of a finished project.
mandag, juni 25, 2007
Bölgetæppe, fremgang / Ripple blanket, progress

-Ja, mit bölgetæppe har fået lidt opmærksomhed. Sidst jeg viste det frem her var der en og en halv længde, men det har nu tre hele længder. Mine hænder har det ikke så godt med for meget hækling ad gangen, så det bliver nu pakket væk nogle uger.
-Yes, my ripple blanket har gotten a little attention. Last time I showed it here there were one and a half strips, now it´s got three whole strips. My hands don´t like too much crocheting at once, so it will now be stashed away for a few weeks.
søndag, juni 24, 2007
En lille lun sag / A little warm thing

-En veninde fyldte for nylig 50 år, og så fik hun af mig et lille, blödt og lunt halstörklæde. Det er strikket af Fairytale, 100% alpaca + lidt gult tyndt alpaca, på pinde 4,5+4. Farverne skulle gerne passe til hendes fine vinterfrakke. Törklædet vejer 71gram, så totalforbruget er oppe på 4.353 gram. Cassie spurgte om mönster til törklædet, men det findes ikke, den kom bare ud af mit hoved som så meget andet.
-A friend of mine had a 50 year birthday recently, so I gave her a small, soft and warm scarf. It´s knitted af Fairytale, 100% alpaca + a little yellow thin alpaca, needles US6 and 7. The colours are supposed to match her nice winter-coat. The scarf weighs 71 grams, so total usage is up to 4.353 grams. Cassie asked about a pattern for this scarf, there isn´t one, it just came out of my head, like so many other things.
Færdige sokker og min prinsesse/ Finished socks and my princess

-On the trip up to see my family recently I knitted a pair of gentleman´s socks in 6-ply Colori from Uldgården. They will now land in my gift-box, probably one of my boys will need socks when autumn comes, else they will end up in someones Christmas package. They weigh 86 grams, so total yarn usage since dec 8th is now 4.282 grams.

-And I give you a picture of my own little princess. She´s now 10 months old and is spending this weekend in a summer-house with her other grandma and her family.
lørdag, juni 23, 2007
Tæppe af hæklede firkanter /Blanket from crocheted squares

-Ja, lidt har jeg da fået lavet i blogpausen. Bl.a. har jeg arbejdet lidt på mit tæppe af hæklede firkanter. Sidst jeg viste det frem her havde jeg 30 færdige firkanter, nu er der 41, skal blive 48. Så der er ikke så langt igen. Men, jeg er löbet tör for garn, så nu bliver det pakket væk i en pose et par måneder mens jeg venter på der dannes flere rester jeg kan bruge til det.
-I have gotten a little done during the blogpause. A.o. I´ve worked a little on my blanket from crocheted squares. Last time I showed it here there were 30 squares, now I have 41, out of a total of 48. So, not that long to go. But, there´s no more yarn in the basket, so now it will be packed away for a couple of months while I wait for the forming of more leftovers I can use for it.
fredag, juni 22, 2007
Endelig fri, og lyse sommernætter / Finally free, and bright summer-nights
-Endelig har jeg ferie fra jobbet! Og jeg skal ikke derind igen indtil 7.august, dejligt! Vi har planer om diverse aktiviteter på hjemmefronten og vi skal også rejse rundt i landet og mödes med familie og venner. Jeg har nogle færdige projekter at vise frem, de kommer i de næste dage, en ad gangen.
-Udbygningen til vores hus, hvor katterne bor og vinplanten pröver at lukke for alt lys der kommer ind gennem glas taget.
-Finally I´m on vacation from my job! And I´m not going in again until aug.7th, nice! We´ve got plans for various activities here at home and we´re also going to travel around the country to meet up with family and friends. I have some finished projects to show you, they will appear in the next few days, one at a time.
-Her hvor jeg bor, Islands syd-vest kyst, har vi denne tid af året nætter der er næsten lige så lyse som dagen. Længst oppe i nord-vest, hvor jeg kommer fra, har man solskin hele natten, så ingen forskel på dag og nat. Her kommer nogle billeder jeg tog i nat kl.1, uden flash naturligvis.
-Here where I live, Iceland´s south-west coast, we have this time of year nights that are almost as light as day. Far up in the north-west, where I come from, you get sunshine all night, so no difference between day and night. Here are a few pictures I took last night at 1am, without flash of course.
-Jeg står foran vores hus og tager et foto ned ad vores lille gade.
-I´m standing in front of our house, taking a photo down our little street.
-Min fine hortensia.
-My pretty hortensia.

-The annex to our house, where the cats live and the vine-plant tries to close out all light that comes in through the glass roof.
onsdag, juni 06, 2007
Sommerferie og blogpause / Summer holiday and blogpause
-Börnene er ved at komme på ferie, datterens sidste dag var igår og drengens sidste dag er i morgen. Min egen ferie starter om 3 uger. Der er en masse ting der skal være færdige på jobbet inden jeg går på ferie, og jeg har også diverse forsömte hængepartier herhjemme jeg gerne vil være fri for inden så jeg rigtig kan nyde min ferie. Derfor bliver det minimal blogging og, desværre også, minimalt strik de næste uger. Jeg vil dog skrive nogle ord hvis jeg får lavet et projekt færdigt, så jeg ikke glemmer at vise det frem.
-The kids are starting their holidays, the daughters last day of school was yesterday and my boy has his last day tomorrow. My own holiday starts in 3 weeks. There´s a lot of stuff at work that needs to be done before I go on holiday and I also have various things I have been procrastinating here at home that I´d really like to be free from so I really can enjoy my free time. So, there will be minimal blogging and, alas also, minimal knitting the next few weeks. I will pop in and write a few words if I get any finished projects, so I don´t forget to show them to you.
-The kids are starting their holidays, the daughters last day of school was yesterday and my boy has his last day tomorrow. My own holiday starts in 3 weeks. There´s a lot of stuff at work that needs to be done before I go on holiday and I also have various things I have been procrastinating here at home that I´d really like to be free from so I really can enjoy my free time. So, there will be minimal blogging and, alas also, minimal knitting the next few weeks. I will pop in and write a few words if I get any finished projects, so I don´t forget to show them to you.
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