her skal jeg fortælle om mine erfaringer med mit strik og indimellem også vise nogle billeder af det som bevis på at jeg virkelig får lavet noget!
søndag, december 31, 2006
Årets aller sidste færdige projekt / This years absolutely last FO

lørdag, december 30, 2006
Jeg nåede det! / I made it!
# Yarnstash reduction: 1.518 grams
torsdag, december 28, 2006
Jeg får stadig pakker / I´m still getting parcels
-Just got a package from Dana, one of the webstrik girls, as a swap for some books I sent her recently.

-Two hanks of her handspun yarn. The turqoise is 100% merino, and it´s oh so soft, and what a colour! The white is mohair from first clip, rather stiff, but will probably soften up with wash. There´s also a ball of Opal Flamingo, as a swap for the shawl-folder. I´m looking forward to working with this, handspun is really something special.
-Jeg er stadig på ferie, åbner ikke kontoret indtil d.8.januar! Måtte dog lige smutte en tur dertil i dag, jeg måtte jo udbetale min lön!
-I´m still on holiday, I´m not opening the office until january 8th! Had to go in for a little while today though, had to pay out my salary!
tirsdag, december 26, 2006
Julegaver og juleglæde /Christmas gifts and christmas joy

-Först, gaven fra min webstriknisse, Annette Lyngby, tusind tak Annette! Der er et nögle tyndt bomuldsgarn+ opskrifter til babyhagesmækker og en gammeldags babykrave, også paljettetråd til at strikke ind i f.eks. en sjal, og så var der 4stk af de fine bordskånere I kan se her, med æbler og röde bær. Der VAR da også tre poser dansk slik, men de er nu forsvundet, mine börn har sörget for det.
-First, the gift from the giftswap in my internet knitting group, from Annette Lyngby, thank you Annette! There´s a ball of thin cotton yarn+patterns for baby bibs and an old-fashioned baby collar, there´s also some thread with glittering pieces on for knitting into e.g. a shawl, and there were 4 fine table mats with apples and red berries. There WERE also three bags with danish candy, but they have now disappeared, my kids have seen to that.

-Og her er så kurven med alle de fine ting der kom ud af min flotte pakkekalender fra Britta. Sikke en sjov og dejlig idé! Sådan én har jeg aldrig haft för. Der er så mange fine ting i. Der er Noro garn, garn til Selbu strik, strömpegarn, tykt uldgarn med en lurex tråd, taskehåndtage, knapper, Skals opskriftskalender,julepynt og flere og flere skönne ting. Tusind tak igen, Britta!
lørdag, december 23, 2006
Glædelig jul / Merry Christmas

-I just got home from shopping for the traditional fish we always eat the evening before Christmas Eve, so now Christmas can come. for many years I have had a dinner party with this special fish with up to 40-50 guests. this year I said that I´m not doing it anymore, someone else can take over. noone has offered to do it, so there will probably be some people who won´t get any SKATA this year. some people got an exception, since I´m cooking this for ourselves anyway. so tonight it´s gonna be us, all our kids, their partners and the grandchild, my mother-in-law, my grandparents and two of my husbands sisters, something like 20 people. some of the young people don´t want to eat this fish so I´ll also be making a nice course with garlic broiled halibut. later this evening the smoked lamb, to be eaten cold on Christmas day, will be cooked, so the foul smell of the fish will disappear, it´s prepared in a special way so that it rots in a particular way. tonight the children will decorate the tree, and we´re all set for Christmas tomorrow. Christmas Eve day starts with all the beds being set with clean, nice, white linen and then everyone takes a bath, we are many so it takes most of the day. at 3 o´clock in the afternoon I´ll start up the Christmas meal, icelandic lamb filled with dried fruits and herbs. we eat at 6 o´clock while listening to the Christmas mass from the national cathedral on the radio. the rest of the evening goes by in very set ways, reading of Christmas cards, opening of presents, hot chocolate and cookies later on and then relaxing and cozying with new books for the others and a new knitting for me. we have new guest this time, the middle son (the fisherman) is bringing his girl-friend for the first time to spend Christmas with us, it will be nice getting to know her a little better. lastly I want to wish you all and all your dear ones a really happy and peaceful Christmas with the baby Jesus´ peace in your minds and God´s blessing.
fredag, december 22, 2006
Sidste strikkede julegave færdig / Last knitted christmas gift ready
-And the last knitted christmas gift is done, a blanket for a little boy I know which he is getting together with a pair of socks that I knitted .

-Det er strikket af diverse rester af tykt garn, på pinde 6mm i log-cabin metoden. Det ser ud på billedet som det er skævt, det er det ikke i virkeligheden. Det færdige tæppe kommer med i Tæppe-knitalongen på webstrik. Så nu skal jeg bare se at få domino-tæppet færdigt inden året er slut, så har jeg hele 6 færdige tæpper til alongen.
-It´s knitted of various left-overs in thick yarn, on needles US10 with the log-cabin method. On the photo it looks as it is crooked, it´s not really. The finished blanket will enter into the blanket-knitalong on webstrik. So now I just have to finish the mitered-squares blanket before the end of the year, then I´ll have 6 finished blankets for the KAL.
Er der nogen der husker dette?/ Does anyone remember this?
# Sokker : 25 par - 20 par færdige, 5 tilbage
# Julegaver: 39 – alt ordnet
# Vægttab: 7 kilo – 3,5 kilo er væk, halvvejs
# Socks: 25 pairs - 20 pairs done, 5 to go
# Christmas gifts: 39 – all ready
# Weightloss: 14 pounds - 7 pounds gone, halfway there
-Jeg skipper de sidste 5 par sokker, det betyder 20 par siden midten af august. Jeg er nu rigtig træt af at strikke sokker, tager en pause med dem. Og jeg kommer at nullstille vægttabsmåleren til nytår.
-I´m skipping the last 5 pairs of socks, that means 20 pairs since the middle of august. I´m now really tired of knitting socks and will take a break from them. And I will make a new start with the weightloss program in the new year.
-Brugditlager alongen, sokkerne fra forrige indlæg vejede 142gr og tæppet vejer 582gr, så alt i alt har jeg brugt 724gr garn siden starten d.8.des.
-Useupyourstash along, the socks from the former post weighed 142gr and the blanket weighs 582gr, so I have used up 724gr since the start on dec.8th.
onsdag, december 20, 2006
Lidt strik er det blevet til - A little knitting has been done
tirsdag, december 19, 2006
Byttehandel+indköb/ Swap+shopping
-I´m still getting yarn from the swaps for my books. And I also made a swap with PiaT for a set of Denise knitting needles and she even included a nice hand lotion, thanks for that!

-Og så har jeg shoppet lidt, ikke garn naturligvis, men opskrifteblade. Interweave Knits har jeg været interesseret i længe, men det kan ikke fås heroppe. Nu har jeg to blade at kigge i for at vurdere hvis jeg skal bestille et abonnemang. Så er der Vogue Knitting, det var udsolgt her i butikkerne og en enkelt opskrift fra Mac&me, så nu har jeg da noget at vælge mellem for at bruge op alt mit garn. Jeg har også köbt en digital vægt så jeg kan veje mine færdige projekter til brugafditlager-alongen, dog ikke noget billede af den nu.
-And I have done some shopping, not for yarn of course, but pattern magazines. Interweave Knits I´ve been interested in for a long time, but it can´t be bought up here. Now I have two of them to look through to evaluate whether to order a subscription. Then there´s Vogue Knitting, it was sold out in the shops here and a single pattern from Mac&me, so now I have some things to choose from to finish up all my yarn. I also bought a digital weighing scale so I can weigh my finished objects for the stash-along, though no picture of that now.

-Jeg mangler stadig to pakker fra byttehandelen, venter spændt på at modtage dem.
-I´m still waiting for two packages from the swap, waiting impatiently.

-Lastly a picture of Vanda Sólrún with her grandfather, my husband, they suit each other just fine, don´t they?
-Lige om lidt kommer der en strikkeopdatering.
-In a little while I´ll post a knitting update.
tirsdag, december 12, 2006
Hurtige forandringer / Rapid changes
-Isn´t it amazing how rapidly children change?

-Her er Vanda Sólrún den dag hun blev födt.
-Here is Vanda Sólrún the day she was born.

-Og her i sin fine julekjole.
-And here in her pretty Christmas dress.
-Livet er vidunderligt!
-Life is wonderful!
mandag, december 11, 2006
Mandag, strikkeopdatering / Monday, knitting update
-This week I´ve managed a little knitting, not so much, but still better than last time.

-Drengetæppet er omkring halvvejs færdig. Det skal være en julegave og det er også nr.6 til tæppeknitalongen på webstrik. Nr 4, dominotæppet, er dog ikke helt færdigt, men jeg håber på at få det færdigt inden året er slut. Så er jeg lidt mere end halvvejs med et par sokker i voksenstörrelse strikket af 6 trådet Opal, også en julegave og der er et par til der skal strikkes.
-The boy blanket is about halfway done. It will be a Christmas present and it´s also nr 6 for the blanket knit-along on webstrik. Nr 4, the mitred squares blanket, is not quite done, but I hope to finish it before the end of the year. And I´m a bit more than halfway done with a pair of adult size socks in Opal 6-ply, also a Christmas gift and I plan to make another pair like them also before Christmas.
-Disse bliver de förste færdige projekter der tæller med til lagernedbringelses-alongen, jeg er spændt, for jeg er helt besluttet på at jeg ikke falder af, det her skal lykkes!
-These will be the first projects to count in for the stashreduction-along, I´m excited, because I´m set on not giving up, I will succeed in this!
søndag, december 10, 2006
Mit garnlager, puuha! / My yarnstash, whew!
-I´ve just posted pictures of my stash on our stashreducingblog. Look here, if you dare!
Byttehandel / Swap
-I swapped out many of my books and magazines recently. And now my swaps are beginning to flood the house, and there are some really nice thing.

-Rauma norwegian wool for Selbuknitting, Kauni in beige and rosé, Christmaskleenex and Kauni in parrotcolours.

-There´s also some Opal sockyarn, icelandic combed yarn in lovely colours and a sweet little package with luxury hand and footcreme plus a perfumecreme. Isn´t is just wonderful?

-Og se lige her hvad Britta har sendt til mig! En pakkekalender! Jeg har ikke haft en julekalender siden jeg var en lille pige og jeg tror faktisk ikke jeg nogensinde har haft pakkekalender för. Det er så spændende! Tusen tak skal I alle have for en vellykket byttehandel! Jeg venter dog endnu på nogle pakker.
-And just see what Britta sent me! A parcel-Christmas-calendar! I haven´t had a calendar since I was a little girl and I don´t think I´ve ever had one with packages. It´s so exciting! Thank you all for a successful swap! I´m still waiting for some more packages.
fredag, december 08, 2006
Ændring på Stashalongen! / Changing the Stashalong!
-I´d just signed up for Stashalong when Pia had the idea of making our own group on webstrik to reduce our stashes. What a great idea! So now we have opened a new group for those who want to diminish their yarnstash, look here. So now I just hope I can fulfill the very ambitious goals I have set for myself; I´m signing up for a whole years yarnshoppingstop! I will get free time though during the knitting festival in october, and after the first half year I can allow myself up to 2 free days where I can buy yarn to supplement for projects who need more yarn to get finished. So wish me luck with my project. In the weekend I will photograps my whole stash, and then again every two months, thus hoping to see some difference.
tirsdag, december 05, 2006
-I´ve signed on this list. So now the yarn buying stop is official. You´ve got to do something to try and train yourself into better manners, right? Still there´s yarn on the way to my house from the swaps I made with my books and magazines. And I have participated in the guessing game on Irene´s blog, and I´ve won two times! And believe me, I NEVER win anything! She´ll be sending the prices out after Christmas, so there´ll come some more new yarn into my stash.
mandag, december 04, 2006
Min lille bamse / My little teddy-bear
- Does anyone remember this, I knitted it last summer, before Vanda Sólrún was born.

-Og nu har jeg lige fået nogle billeder af den med indhold.
- And now I´ve just gotten some pictures of it with content.

-En rigtig lille bamse, er hun ikke bare super-söd?
-A real little teddy-bear, isn´t she just gorgeous?

Julen nærmer sig / Christmas is near
-No knitting these days, I´ve been busy cleaning and throwing out stuff so the decorations can be set up, can´t decorate on top of the dirt, right? So instead of knitting pictures today you get pictures of the pretty adventswreath my daughter made us. She´s 14 years old, very good at designing and making nice things, and for years now she has been responsible for the wreath. This year she decided on something simple and elegant.

-Næste uge håber jeg på at have nogle strikkebilleder at vise frem, jeg må jo se at få færdige de ting der skal være julegaver!
-Next week I hope to have some knitting pictures to show, I´ve got to finish the stuff that´s supposed to be Christmas gifts!
lørdag, december 02, 2006
Sukkersöde og honningsblide / Sweet as sugar and soft as honey
onsdag, november 29, 2006
Til Dorthe!!
tirsdag, november 28, 2006
Opdatering på byttehandelen/Update on the swaps
-Ok, I´ve gotten rid of all the books and most of the magazines. Send me a mail if something interests you, fridabraga@hive.is

-Der er 5 strikkeblade sammen i en pakke, deraf en med kun sokkemönstre, byttes med 100gr sokkegarn.Og så er der Ingelise okt 05-aug 06, byttes med 200gr sokkegarn.
-There´s 5 knitting magazines together in a package, of which one has only sockpatterns, swaps for 100gr sockyarn. And there´s Ingelise okt 05-aug 06, swaps for 200gr sockyarn.
-Foruden disse har jeg også nogle af hæftene med de islandske sjalsmönstre oversat til dansk. Dem bytter jeg mod 100gr strömpegarn eller samsvarende værdi i andet garn.
-Apart from these I also have some copies left of the folder I made with icelandic shawl patterns translated to danish. I´ll swap them for 100gr sockyarn or corresponding value in other yarn.
-Nu af sted til arbejde og så videre med lidt förjulrengöring når jeg kommer hjem i eftermiddag. Fik endelig begyndt på det igår. Det er jo förste söndag i advent næste weekend, så hvis jeg skal pynte op herinde må jeg vist hellere få ryddet lidt op og gjort rent inden.
-Now away to work and then to go on with the beforechristmascleaning when I come home this afternoon. It´s the first sunday of december next weekend, so if I want to start decorating in here I´ll have to tidy and clean a bit first.
mandag, november 27, 2006
Mandag, strikkeopdatering / Monday, knitting update
-I´m up and going again, anyway it´s going a bit better now than last week.

-Jeg har strikket 2 par sokker i småbörns störrelse. En veninde var i en bilulykke og skadede sin skulder så hun kan ikke strikke. Hun bad mig strikke nogle sokker til hendes lille barnebarn, og det blev så til disse. De gulgrönne er Opal Magic og de mangfarvede er Fortissima Socka.
-I´ve knitted 2 pairs of socks in toddler size. A friend was in a car accident and hurt her shoulder so she cannot knit. She asked me to knit some socks for her grandchild, and these were born. The yellow/green ones are Opal Magic and the multicoloured ones are Fortissima Socka.

-I´ve finished crocheting the blanket I started some weeks ago. It will be blanket nr 5 for the webstrik knitalong. It´s made of various thick yarns I needed to get rid of and crocheted with a thick needle. Size is ca. 44x60 inches. It will be a Christmas gift for a little girl I know together with a pair of socks.

-The blanket for her brother is begun. It´s knitted in garter stitch, picking up stitches along the edges of the previous patch. He´ll also get a pair of socks with his blanket. Their youngest sister is also getting a blanket and a pair of socks, but her blanket was finished last spring. So this blanket is the last part of their gifts.
# Sokker : 25 par - 18 par færdige, 7 tilbage
# Julegaver: 38 – 8 parat til indpakning
# Vægttab: 7 kilo – 3,5 kilo er væk, halvvejs
# Socks: 25 pairs - 18 pairs done, 7 to go
# Christmas gifts: 38 – 8 ready to be wrapped
# Weightloss: 14 pounds - 7 pounds gone, halfway there
-Som I ser går ikke nogen steder med vægttabet, men jeg gider simpelthen ikke bekymre mig over det lige nu, der kommer nok en dag hvor jeg får nok og sætter i gang.
-As you can see, my weithtloss is going nowhere, but I just can´t be bothered with it right now, I´m sure there´ll come a day when I get enough and kick myself to start again.
søndag, november 26, 2006
Og så sidste portion / And the last batch
-Here comes the last batch of swap-books for now.

-Tre julemagasiner på dansk, alle 2006.
-Three Christmas magazines in danish, all 2006.
Frataget! Taken!

-5 strikkeblade, 3 fra Lang (en af dem er bare sokker), 1 fra Adriafil og 1 Vogue Knit Simple.
-5 knitting magazines, 3 from Lang (one of them is only socks), 1 from Adriafil and 1 Vogue Knit Simple.

-Kaffe Fassett for Rowan, 30 opskrifter fra mesteren, 30 of the masters patterns.
Frataget! Taken!

Rowan Magazine nr.19

Tadpoles and Tiddlers, 30 opskrifter til börn af Kim Hargreaves og Louisa Harding, 30 patterns for children by KH and LH.

Kaffe Fassett: Glorious Knitting, 30 opskrifter/patterns
-Og så er der Ingelise AOH okt2005-aug2006, men Blogger vil ikke uploade flere billeder lige nu.
Der gælder de samme regler som för, mail mig på: fridabraga@hive.is
-And there are some danish magazines, but Blogger won´t upload more pictures right now.
Same rules as before, mail me at: fridabraga@hive.is