-I travelled with the kids up to my mother´s for the weekend, thursday to monday. it was super-nice, my father wasn´t home and the weather was snow-storm style, so the whole weekend the kids sat in front of their respective screens and me and my mother just sat/lay in the sofas with books, magazines and knitting. we didn´t do anything whatsoever, and it was just lovely to really relax. it felt very strange to be up there and my brother wasn´t there and now when I´m home again I´m again overwhelmed by grief. it will probably be that way for a while, the grief comes and goes and then there´ll be longer intervals as time goes by.
-og strikket fik jeg da, en hue og den anden sok i et par til min sön, her modellerer han sine nye ting, og nu er han gået i skole med dem på.
-and I knitted, a hat and the second sock of a pair for my son, here he is modelling his new things, and now he´s gone to school wearing them.
-a pair of ordinary 1x1 rib socks in 4-ply Opal Jeans, needles 2,5mm.
-og huen er lavet af 6-trådet hjemmefarvet strömpegarn fra Lisette, i to grönne nuancer, på pinde 3,5mm.
-and the hat is made of 6-ply home-dyed sockyarn from Lisette, in two green colours, on needles 3,5mm.
-sammen vejer de to projekter 137gram, så brugt garn siden 8.december 2006 er oppe på 7.096 gram.
-together the two projects weigh 137grams, so I´ve used up 7.096 grams of yarn since dec.8th 2006.
2 kommentarer:
Sorgen er tung at bære - og den kommer og går som bølger.. godt at du ikke er alene med den. Mange hilsner fra Ærø
Den luen var skikkelig flott, synes jeg!
Håper du har det litt bedre fremover, Frida! Klem.
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