her skal jeg fortælle om mine erfaringer med mit strik og indimellem også vise nogle billeder af det som bevis på at jeg virkelig får lavet noget!
onsdag, december 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

tirsdag, december 30, 2008
Årets sidste strik / The last knit of the year

Igen en award / Again an award
lørdag, december 27, 2008
SOS vindere fundet! / SOS winners found!
-And the winners are: Vigdis, Sascha and Kirsten Hedam. I´ve sent them a mail. And many, many thanks to all of you who participated.
onsdag, december 24, 2008
Julehilsen / Christmas greetings

tirsdag, december 23, 2008
Söskendehygge / Sibling cozying

-Oldest son has aspirations for a carreer in filmmaking and is now working on various projects of that nature which he will send together with his application to an international filmschool. It has now become a tradition that his christmas gift to the family is a little film he makes together with his siblings. Here he is with his little sister all busy with costume sewing.
SOS aflyst / SOS cancelled
-A million thanks for all your input regarding the gift for my man. It´s now taken care of. I bought a simple, longsleeved black T-shirt. He can never get too many of them, he uses them with everything, both suits and jeans, but never wears a shirt. And then I bought the obligatory diary for the new year, which I would have bought anyway since he uses it for his work. On a particular day I put a marker and wrote that he is to be ready at a set time for taking off on a surprise trip. I´ve then ordered dinner, sleepover and breakfast at a cute little country hotel outside town. But, he won´t know that until we get there. There were so many good ideas and more than one suggested something similar to what I chose, so instead of choosing one of you for a gifting I will christmas day make a random draw and then two or three of you will get a small prize.
mandag, december 22, 2008
Vi er klar! / We´re ready!

Min gyldne prins / My golden prince
søndag, december 21, 2008
Ruth er et geni! /Ruth is a genius!
For Charlotte!
Til alle jer, som igennem lang tid har delt tanker , glæder og bekymringer med vores Charlotte. I skal vide at hun, torsdag ved aftenstid, kørte galt i sin bil. Hun ligger nu i kunstigt koma, og kan have brug for al den forbøn og støtte som hun kan få, også fra hendes tankevenner på nettet.Hvis I, der ser dette, vil brede budskabet på jeres blogge, kan vi være mange, der vil bede for hende og hendes børn. Ældste er hos os, hendes forældre. Senere skal han være hos sin fars familie i julen. Yngste er hos sin far, og alle tre steder vil der blive draget omsorg for dem, men de kan også have brug for, at endnu flere støtter op om dem. En glædelig jul til os alle, håber vi på.
Jeg sender alle mine varmeste tanker og bedste önsker til Charlotte, hendes börn og övrige familie.
fredag, december 19, 2008
Two awards

-Jeg har fået to awards. Den förste fra EVA, "I love your blog". Tusind tak, Eva! Og den anden fra Puttenings, og der fölger disse ord:
"Denne bloggen investerer i og tror på NÆRHET- nærhet i rom, tid og forholderne er usedvanlig sjarmerende og søte,og formålet er å finne og å være venner.De er ikke opptatt av utmerkelser og selvhevdelse.Vårt håp er at når båndene på disse utmerkelser er kuttet,vil enda flere vennskap ha forplantet seg. Vær vennlig å gi litt ekstra oppmerksomhet til disse!". Også mange, mange tak til Puttenings.
Jeg bliver glad og rört når jeg får disse udmærkelser, der ville da ikke være meget ved det at blogge hvis ikke nogen syntes der var noget at få ud af at læse det jeg skriver. I begge tilfælde er det meningen at jeg så skal tilnævne nogen nye. Jeg lader den dog stå, synes de fleste jeg læser med hos allerede har fået dem og desuden så er det altså helt umuligt for mig at vælge kun få ud af alle dem jeg fölger. Så, I får dem allesammen, tak for at I gider læse med her hos mig og tak for at I er så dygtige til at skrive om jeres hverdag og håndarbejder.
-I´ve got two awards. The first from EVA, "I love your blog". Thank you so much, Eva! And the other from Puttenings, with kind words about my blog. Also many, many thanks to Puttenings.
I´m happy and moved when I get these nominations, there wouldn´t be much fun in blogging if noone thought it was worth reading. In both cases I´m supposed to nominate some other blogs. I´m going to let it stand here though, I think that most of the people I follow already have got these and besides that it´s impossible for me to choose just a few out of all the nice blogs I follow. So, they are for you all, thank you for taking the time to follow my scribblings and thank you for being so good at writing about your own lives and crafting.
torsdag, december 18, 2008
SOS, stort problem! / SOS, big problem!
-Help! what should I give my husband for christmas? for the first time I have absolutely no idea, just can´t think of anything. won´t you help me a little? write a comment and tell me what you intend to give to the man in your life, then maybe I´ll get an idea. if this works the one offering the idea that works for me will get a little gift sent, and of course it will be knitting related.
søndag, december 14, 2008
Julegave / Christmas present
-I´ve bought myself a christmas present, HERE. And it´s perfect, the best presents are those with surprises in, right? And yeah, I know I have a yarnbuying stop, but these days you just have to jump on a good offer, in my opinion at least.
torsdag, december 11, 2008
Juleferie / Christmas vacation

-I dag var min sidste dag på arbejde i år 2008, jeg har nu ferie og skal ikke möde op igen indtil mandag den 5. januar 2009. Dejligt!
-Today was my last day of work in the year of 2008, I´m now on vacation and don´t have to show up again until monday january 5th 2009. Lovely!
-Strikket har jeg overhovedet ikke denne uge, så der er ingenting af den slags at vise frem, men forhåbentlig ændrer det sig nu når jeg har fri.
-I haven´t knitted at all this week, so nothing of that sort to show, but that will hopefully change now that I´m free from work.
søndag, december 07, 2008
Nyt projekt / New project
-Jeg har startet en sweater til min svigersön. Dette billede blev taget igår, så nu har jeg kommet en smule længere. Faktisk er jeg nu kommet op til ærmegab og skal til at slå op til det förste ærme. Jeg håber den bliver god og at han bliver glad for den.
-I´ve started a sweater for my son in law. This photo was taken yesterday, so now I´m a bit further along. Actually I´m now up to the armholes and will be casting on for the first sleeve in my next session. I just hope it comes out good and that he´ll be happy with it.
-Her et dagslysbillede af garnet til sweateren, flotte farver synes jeg.
-Here a daylight photo of the yarn for the sweater, I like these colours.
-Som nogen af jer måske husker så har jeg jo stadig garnindköbsstop. Det er tilladt 3 gange at köbe garn der skal bruges sammen med noget fra lager. Dette er förste gang jeg benytter den lejlighed, og pladegarnet havde jeg på lager, så behövede kun at köbe farverne. Til Sylvi må jeg köbe det hele, så hun får vente til det nye år.
-As some of you may remember I still have a yarn-buying-stop. It´s allowed on 3 occasions to buy yarn to use together with something from stash. This is the first time I use this exception, and the unspun I had in stash, so I just had buy the colours. For Sylvi I´ll have to buy the whole lot, so she´ll have to wait for the new year.
-Og så har jeg startet op et andet projekt, et stort ét, til mig selv, på tyyyynde pinde, så det får tage den tid det tager. Jeg har tænkt på dette projekt rigtig længe, og nu er det begyndt. Fotos senere.
-And I have started another project, a big one, for myself, on thiiiiin needles, so it will have to take the time it takes. I´ve thought about this project for a really long time, and now it´s begun. Photos later.
lørdag, december 06, 2008
-I stole this one from Kathleen´s blog. She got it from a friend. Pure genius.
How To Sing The Blues..
by Lame Mango Washington (attributed to Memphis Earlene Gray with help from Uncle Plunky)
1. Most blues begin, "Woke up this morning."
2. "I got a good woman," is a bad way to begin the blues, unless you stick something nasty in the next line: "I got a good woman with the meanest dog in town."
3. Blues are simple. After you have the first line right, repeat it. Then find something that rhymes. Sort of: Got a good woman with the meanest dog in town. He got teeth like Margaret Thatcher and he weighs 500 pounds.
4. The blues are not about limitless choice.
5. Blues cars are Chevys and Cadillacs. Other acceptable blues transportation is a Greyhound bus or a southbound train. Walkin' plays a major part in the blues lifestyle. So does fixin' to die.
6. Teenagers can't sing the blues. Adults sing the blues. Blues adulthood means being old enough to get the electric chair if you shoot a man in Memphis.
7. You can have the blues in New York City, but not in Brooklyn or Queens. Hard times in Vermont or North Dakota is just depression. Chicago, St. Louis, and Kansas City are still the best places to have the blues.
8. The following colors do not belong in the blues: a. violet b. beige c. mauve
9. You can't have the blues in an office or a shopping mall--the lighting is wrong.
10. Good places for the Blues: a. the highway b. the jailhouse c. an empty bedBad places: a. ashrams b. gallery openings c. weekend in the Hamptons
11. No one will believe it's the blues if you wear a suit, unless you happen to be an old black man.
12. Do you have the right to sing the blues? Yes, if: a. your first name is a southern state--like Georgia b. you're blind c. you shot a man in Memphis d. you can't be satisfied.No, if: a. you were once blind but now can see b. you're deaf c. you have a trust fund
13. Neither Julio Iglesias nor Barbra Streisand can sing the blues.
14. If you ask for water and baby gives you gasoline, it's the blues. Other blues beverages are: a. wine b. Irish whiskey c. muddy water. The following are NOT blues beverages: a. any mixed drink b. any wine kosher for Passover c. Yoo Hoo (all flavors)
15. If it occurs in a cheap motel or a shotgun shack, it's a blues death. Stabbed in the back by a jealous lover is another blues way to die. So is the electric chair, substance abuse, or being denied treatment in an emergency room. It is not a blues death if you die during a liposuction treatment.
16. Some Blues names for Women a. Sadie b. Big Mama c. Bessie
17. Some Blues Names for Men a. Joe b. Willie c. Little Willie d. Big Willie e. LightningPersons with names like Sierra, Sequoia, and Rainbow will not be permitted to sing the blues no matter how many men they shoot in Memphis.
17b. Other Blues Names (Starter Kit) a. Name of Physical infirmity (Blind, Cripple, Asthmatic) b. First name (see above) or name of fruit (Lemon,Lime, Kiwi) c. Last Name of President (Jefferson, Johnson, Fillmore, etc.)
tirsdag, december 02, 2008
En dejlig pakke / A lovely package

-For lidt tid siden köbte jeg noget islandsk uld og sendte til Danmark. Og i dagens bankekrise kan det ikke lade sig göre at overföre penge til Island, så jeg bad hende köbe noget danskt garn til mig i stedet for. Og som man kan vente fra én der er så dejligt skör som Liselotte så er indholdet helt og aldeles overdådigt.
-A short time ago I bought some icelandic wool and sent to Denmark. And in todays bank crisis it´s not possible to transfer money til Iceland, so I asked her instead to buy me some danish yarn. And as was to be expected from one so wonderfully crazy as Liselotte, the contents are totally way too much.

mandag, december 01, 2008
Siste julegave færdig og pröve til det næste projekt/ Last christmas gift finished and a swatch for the next project

-Sidste julegave er færdigstrikket. Et sæt til en teenagepige, her modelleret af min yngste. Halstörklæde strikket på pinde 8mm og håndvarmere på pinde 6,5mm af tykt uld/alpaca blanding fra DENNE pakke.
-Last christmas knitted christmas gift finished. A set for a teenage girl, here modelled by my youngest. Scarf on needles US13 and handwarmers on needles US11 out of thick wool/alpaca blend from THIS package.

-And I´ve made a swatch for a sweater for my son in law. The colours don´t show that well when photographed in the dark with a lot of artificial lighting but it gives an idea. Tomorrow I´ll try to get a photo of the yarn in daylight.