her skal jeg fortælle om mine erfaringer med mit strik og indimellem også vise nogle billeder af det som bevis på at jeg virkelig får lavet noget!
mandag, januar 29, 2007
Födselsdag + et lille FO / Birthday + a small FO
fredag, januar 26, 2007
Langtidsprojekt / Long term project

tirsdag, januar 23, 2007
Strikkeri / Knitting

mandag, januar 22, 2007
Computer vrövl / trouble
-I´m writing from work, there´s something wrong with the connection between my computer and Blogger. I can go online for all other sites, but can´t come in here. The son in law will be called to rescue tonight. It´s especially frustrating since I actually have some knitting to show you!
søndag, januar 21, 2007
- Jeg er en udpræget natteravn, men alligevel kan jeg ikke lide at sove længe om morgenen!
- Jeg elsker de tidlige morgentimer, når ingen anden er stået op, og så til gengæld kan jeg virkelig godt lide at tage mig en morfar i eftermiddagen, så jeg kan være længe oppe om aftenen.
- Jeg kan ikke lide kaffe, men drikker alligevel MEGET af det, mest fordi jeg sjældent får nok sövn.
- Jeg har katte, har haft i mange år, og mine egne katte synes jeg da godt nok om, men jeg kan ikke fordrage fremmede katte.
- Jeg kan ikke, hvor meget jeg end forsöger, forstå at folk har hunde inde i sit hjem.
- Jeg plages meget af kampen mellem to af mine störste karakterpræg: hyper-aktivitet og dovenskab, de arbejder ikke så godt sammen!
-I´ve been tagged by this lovely knitting-lady, I have to admit 6 weird things about myself!
- I´m decidedly a night-prowler, but I still don´t like sleeping late in the morning!
- I love the early mornings, when noone else is up, but then I also like to take a good nap in the afternoon so I can stay up late.
- I don´t like coffee, but I still dring A LOT of it, mostly because I rarely get enough sleep.
- I have cats, have had them for years, and I like my own cats well enough, but I hate strange cats.
- I cannot, no matter how hard I try, understand how people can have dogs inside their homes.
- I´m tortured by the battle between two of my strongest characteristics; hyper-activity and laziness, they don´t work so well together!
-Jeg sku egentlig have tagget 6 andre bloggere, men jeg tror de fleste allerede har svaret på denne, så hvis du ikke har og du er interesseret, værs´go!
-I should have tagged 6 other bloggers, but I think most people have already answered this one, so if you haven´t and you´re interested, feel free!
søndag, januar 14, 2007
Strikkefremgang / Knitting progress
# Garnlager nedbringelse fra 8/12 06: 1.946 gr
# Yarnstash reduction since 8/12 06: 1.946 gr
fredag, januar 12, 2007
Patchwork, quilting II
mandag, januar 08, 2007
Hvad strikker jeg? / What am I knitting?

-Jeg strikker sokker til min mand, for förste gang. Hvis han kan lide at gå med dem, får han måske flere par senere.
# Yarnstash reduction since dec 8th 06: 1.872 gr
# Min vægt pr 8/1: 79,3 kg (-700gr)
# My weight pr jan 8th: 79,3 kg (- 1,5 pounds)
søndag, januar 07, 2007
Patchwork, quilting I.
lørdag, januar 06, 2007
Årets förste projekt og gevinst / The years first project and winnings
-The first project of 2007 is done.

-Tre grydelapper, strikket af raggsokkegarn med nogen anden superwash uld til kontrast i kanterne. De er tykke, store og gode.
-Three potholders, knitted of bootsockyarn with some other superwash wool as contrast. They are thick, big and very good.

-I was also lucky enough to win a few times in Irene´s christmascalendar guessinggame. And here are my winnings, nice huh?
-I morgen viser jeg billeder af noget af min mors flotte patchwork projekter.
-Tomorrow I will show you pictures of some of my mother´s beautiful patchwork projects.
torsdag, januar 04, 2007
En skön dag! / A lovely day!

onsdag, januar 03, 2007
Nyt år, nye projekter / New year, new projects

-Kauni multicoloured and Evilla in a solid colour, will become a sweater for my husband. I won´t begin it right away, it´s still takin form in my head.

-The leftovers from the mitered square blanket + a bag I found with more of the green yarn (also used for the same blanket). Will become 1-2 kids´ sweaters for birthday gifts.

mandag, januar 01, 2007
Det nye år er her! / The new year is here!
-We have a new year, for me a good opportunity to start new things and start over with older projects. I have, as you know, signed on for this group, and I have also committed myself along with Jane. I have decided that this will be the year when I learn to take a little better care of myself. I have announced that at the next general assembly in march, I will step down from the board of the Diabetes Association after having sat there for the last 12 years and done a lot of work. This autumn I stepped down from the PTA at the kids´ school after working there for 21 school-years in a row, ever since my oldest boy was in kindergarten. I feel I have done my civic duty with volunteer work, and now others must take over, I just have to practise saying NO! I hope this will give me more time to enjoy myself with what I love most, my crafting. I also have to take better care of my health. I´ve already mentioned the weightloss, but I have long struggled with problems with my stomach and digestion. These last few months I have been more and more careless with what I eat, so I have to make amends. I also have a genetic flaw on my spine and I have rheumatism and it is especially important for my wellbeing that I exercise regularly, but I haven´t these last months. That´s gonna change! I´m also waiting to be called in to the hospital for that eye-surgery, and if everything goes as planned my eyesight should improve, and that would make it easier to do all the crafting I so long for!
- Ingen garnindköb fra 8/12 06-8/12 07, foruden de tre dage til strikkefestivallen. / No yarnshopping fram 8/12 06-8/12 07, except for the three days of the knitting festival.
- Vægttab, ca 8 kilo skal af. / Weightloss, around 16 pounds must go off.
- Ikke mere frivilligt arbejde. / No more voluntary work.
- Passe bedre på hvad jeg spiser, mht til min mave. / Be more careful about what I eat.
- Regelmæssig motion, allermindst hveranden dag. / Regular exercise, at the very least every other day.
-Önsk mig held og hep gerne på mig! Håber det nye år bringer jer alle hvad I önsker.
-Wish me luck and feel free to cheer me on! I hope the new year brings you all what you wish for.
-Sådan er så statusen ved starten af det nye år. / Status at the beginning of the new year:
Garnlageret er reduceret med 1.734 gram/The yarn-stash is reduced by 1.734 grams
Vægt pr 1.jan 07 / My weight pr jan 1st 07 : 80kg (around 160 pounds).
FO´s 2006
-Here is my list of finished objects in 2006. I hope I´ll get even more done in the new year.
Tæpper/Blankets – 6
Sokker og vanter/Socks and mittens – 26 par/pairs
Sjaler og törklæder/Shawls and scarves – 10
Huer/Hats – 8
Tröjer og en vest, voksenstr./Sweaters and a vest, grown up size – 3
Babytröjer, kjole og dragt/Babyjackets, dress and overall - 5
Ialt/In all = 58 projekter/projects ikke så slemt/not so bad