-Jeg har slet ikke fået vist jer noget julepynt. Her er de nyeste ting, fik dem igår, syet af min mor. Er de ikke flotte?
-I haven´t shown you any decorations. Here´s the newest addition, got them yesterday, sewn by my mother. Aren´t they grand?
-These two small hanging decorations were also in the package from my mother, she has of course sewn them herself.
-And then there´s the cute little bird which was part of the great calender giftbox I got last year from Britta.
-In the window of the tv-room, which is in kids´ height, I´ve collected a few items that can tolerate little fingers´ play.
-Og med et billede af vores overpyntede juletræ vil jeg önske jer alle en glædelig jul sammen med jeres kære, håber I alle finder frelserens fred i hjertet. Jeg kommer at tænke meget på min kære bror, der nu ikke er her mere, så sent som igår aftes fölte jeg stadig at jeg manglede at köbe én gave, gaven til min kære lillebror. Men sådan er livet, der er glade tider og der er sorg indimellem. Tiden og Gud vil læge sårene. Heldigvis får vi have vores lille prinsesse her juleaften, intet er så dejlig livsbekræftende som små börn.
-And with a picture of our overdecorated christmas tree I wish you all a happy christmas together with your dear ones, I hope you´ll all find our saviour´s peace in your hearts. I will be thinking a lot about my dear brother, who is no longer here, as late as last night I still felt I had yet to buy one gift, the gift for my darling baby brother. That´s life, there´s happy times and there´s grief in between. Time and God will heal the wounds. Luckily we get to have our little princess here Christmas Eve, nothing symbolizes life better than small children.
2 kommentarer:
Tack detsamma!
Også en rigtig glædelig jul til dig, Frida.
Her dansede Sofie gladeligt omkring juletræet og "sang" med på sangene.
KH Tina
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