her skal jeg fortælle om mine erfaringer med mit strik og indimellem også vise nogle billeder af det som bevis på at jeg virkelig får lavet noget!
tirsdag, februar 27, 2007
Jeg flytter / I´m moving
-I´ve decided to move. Now I live here: http://fridabraga.wordpress.com
Fest, ny öjesten og strik / Party, new pupil of my eye and knitting
-The party friday night went really well. We were around 60 people and we had a wonderful evening. My husband got lots of beautiful gifts and even a great speach from the children, it is after all something special to be 50 years old! So now I can begin to look forward to my own day, although it´s not for another 6 years! My family came from far away, lovely to see them and they drove back sunday morning. Saturday night we were to another 50th anniversary, it was our DIL´s father´s turn. Sunday we used for well earned relaxing.
-I går, mandag morgen, blev jeg opereret og fik sat ind en ny öjesten i mit höjre öje. Helt vildt pludselig at kunne se med det öje der har været så godt som blindt i mange, mange år! Om et par måneder bliver det andet öje så rettet til med en laser operation, og så håber jeg på at smide brillerne. Var hos doktoren i morges og han sagde at alt så godt ud.
-Yesterday, monday morning, I had an operation to put in a new pupil in my right eye. Totally weird to suddenly be able to see with the eye that has been practically blind for many, many years! In a couple of months the other eye will be rectified via a laser operation, and then I hope to toss the glasses. I was with the doctor this morning and he says all looks good.
torsdag, februar 22, 2007
Fest og fridage / Party and days off
-Tomorrow, friday the 23rd of february, my husband will be 50 years old! We´ll be having guests in the evening, it will most likely be really nice. As far as I know, he has invited around 50 guests, so counting us we´ll probably be a group of a little over 60 people. My family will be coming from far away, it will be lovely to see them, I haven´t met them since last summer. Monday morning I´ll be having that eye surgery I have been waiting for, and then I´ll have a couple of extra days off following that. Hopefully I´ll get the opportunity to write some here, and maybe even post pictures of knitting.
tirsdag, februar 13, 2007
Hvad strikker hun så på nu? / So what is she knitting now?

mandag, februar 12, 2007
Katte / Cats

-I´ve told you before that our Blíða had 4 kittens on oct.31st, so the last 3 months we have had 6 cats, and it´s been quite lively. Now 3 of the kittens have gotten new homes, and this little girlie, Kenny, is the only one left. From the first week she found a special place in the kids´ hearts, so I promised that we would keep her. So now we´ll be having 3 cats in the house from now on.

-Her er så Snúlla, min 5 årige, neutraliserede hunkat. Og må jeg lige fortælle at det IKKE er en kattekurv hun ligger i, den kurv har jeg til töj der skal repareres, det er et par af min mands jeans hun ligger på, måske jeg sku se at få dem gjort færdige?
-Here is Snúlla, my 5 year old, neutralized kitty. And may I add that this is NOT a kittybasket she´s lying in, it´s a basket I use for clothes that need reparing, that´s a pair of my husbands´ jeans she´s lying on, maybe I should finish them?
søndag, februar 11, 2007
Et færdigt sjal / A finished shawl

-I´ve made a shawl. It will be coming with me to Copenhagen on wednesday, as a gift to a norwegian friend I´m meeting up with. She has on several occasions brought me stuff from Norway, books and yarn, so now she gets a little in return.
-Sjalet er strikket med dobbelt garn, en tråd tyndt færösk sjalsgarn i koksgråt og en tråd Rowan Kidsilk night i gråt med guldtråd/ Kidsilk spray i multifarvet gråt. Jeg har brugt pinde 5,5mm.
-The shawl is knitted with double yarn, a faeroese thin one-ply wool in a dark coal grey, and Rowan Kidsilk night in grey with a gold thread/Kidsilk spray in multicoloured grey. I´ve used needles US9.

onsdag, februar 07, 2007
Prinsessebilleder / Princess pictures

-Den lille kjole jeg strikkede til Aníta Rós som födselsdagsgave passer hende da meget godt.
-The little dress I knit for Aníta Rós as a birthday gift suits her quite well.

-Vanda Sólrún eeeelsker at spise!
-Vanda Sólrún loooves to eat!

-Og at blive fri for bleen.
-And to get rid of the diaper.

-Og her begge mine prinsesser, Brynhildur og Vanda Sólrún.
-And here both my princesses, Brynhildur and Vanda Sólrún.