her skal jeg fortælle om mine erfaringer med mit strik og indimellem også vise nogle billeder af det som bevis på at jeg virkelig får lavet noget!
fredag, marts 31, 2006
En genial idé til restegarner!/An ingeious idea for leftover yarn!
-I´ve just been on my daily Bloglines-round. And see here what I found!
-Hvis du skroller ned ad siden lidt får du se at hun har lavet et vægtæppe der hun har först hæklet eller strikket cirkler, hun har så filtet dem og syet dem på et almindeligt fleece tæppe. Jeg tænkte, man behöver vel ikke nödvendigvis filte, man kan også ligeså godt hækle/strikke små blomster, man kan bruge hvilket som helst garn. Bare köbe et billigt fleece tæppe hos den Jyske, lave blomster eller cirkler eller hvilket som helst lille motiv, sy dem på det billige tæppe, og vips har man et helt unikt tæppe, hvis man laver det af vaskbart garn kan det sagtens være et slumretæppe til sofaen eller et sengetæppe til börneværelset eller hvad som helst, hvis man gör som hun og lavet filtede motiver, kan det blive til et vægophæng som hos hende. Kunne det ikke være en god vej til at bruge op små rester i forskellige farver og tykkelser? Hmm, jeg må tænke lidt nærmere over det.
-If you scroll down a little you can see that she has made a wallhanging where she first knits or crochets small cirkles, she has then felted them and sewn them onto an ordinary polar-fleece blanket. I thought, you wouldn´t necessarily had to felt, you could just as easily crochet/knit small flowers, you could use whatever yarn. Just buy a cheap polar-fleece blanket in the supermarket, make flowers or cirkles or which ever motif you prefer, sew them onto the cheap blanket, and behold! you have a unique blanket, if you make it out of washable yarn it could easily be a cuddle blanket for the sofa, or a bedspread for a child´s room or whatever, if you do it like she does with felted motifs, it could be a wall-hanging like in her house. Could this be a good way to use up small scraps i various colours and thicknesses? Hmm, I must think this over a bit more.
torsdag, marts 30, 2006
Tæppe/Blanket Knitalong
-My blanketproject, which at the same time is a stash-diminishing project, is going slowly but surely forward.

-Blanket nr.1, the green one, now has 4 patches.

-Nærbillede af blomstermönstret.
-A close-up of the flowerpattern.

-Tæppe nr. 2, det lyseröde, har nu 8 firkanter.
-Blanket nr.2, the pink one, now has 8 squares.

-Nærbillede af en firkant.
-A close-up of one of the squares.
tirsdag, marts 28, 2006
1 FO igen/again/aftur
-The little baby-jacket I knitted a couple of weeks ago has lied unfinished since then. Today I pulled myself together and seemed the shoulders/sleeves, weaved in the ends, fastened the buttons and washed it. And I think it´s just sweet, tomorrow it will be wrapped and given to a little girl I know who´s name is Katrín. She is the daughter of my son-in-laws sister, she is 3 months old, and she is simply adorable.

-Here´s the jacket, I think it fits a baby around 4 months of age.

-Here´s a close-up of the bow-shaped buttons.
mandag, marts 27, 2006
-I´ve been tagged, by both Mette and Ulla. I´m too lazy to write the answers many times so I will answer only in english.
4 Jobs I´ve had.
-The fish factory in my home-village, every school holiday from 12 - 16 years old. Summers, christmas, easter and all other school-free days. The work was not very fun, but we enjoyed ourselves just the same, we were all together, all the teenagers in the village, so it was often loud and we had great fun. It was physically very hard work, and the days were long, 7-19, 12 hours. We also worked saturdays during the school-year, and later when we were in the oldest class (10th grade, 16 years old) they sometimes even sent someone to the school to ask the headmaster to give us time off because they needed extra hands. The factory was the life-line of this small community so he usually complied.
-The old-folks home in the village, two summers when I was 18 and 19 years old. I liked it, we worked shifts, 8 hours at a time, and I enjoyed to be with the old people.
-Cleaning-lady in a hardware store, in the evenings after closing. This was in my first year in university. I was for the first time renting my own place, I was alone, pregnant and poor. It was a difficult winter, but the men in the store, most of them older than my father, were really good to me, they probably felt a little sorry for me.
-After having my two youngest children I went out to work again when the youngest was 4 years old. I started working in a small investment-bank. When I started there we were around 70 employees. When I left 5 years later the company had around 1400 employees and affiliates in 8 foreign countries. It was tough, the company was on a Sputnik journey, growing faster than we could follow. At the same time it was exciting and stressful, with new things happening every day.
4 films I could see over and over again.
-The Deer Hunter, it was the first time I saw both Robert De Niro and Meryl Streep, I loved it. I also saw it for the first with my cousin who died only a few months later, then only 20 years old, she was already very sick. This film always reminds me of her, and that´s one of the reasons it is especially dear to me.
-The Monty Python group, all of their movies. British humour at it´s very best.
-The Police Academy, all of them. If you need totally brainless entertainment, this is the thing.
-Bridget Jones´ Diary, a perfect mixing of British humour with American film-making.
4 places I have lived.
-Malmö, South-Sweden. Lived there for 5 years, since I was 6 years old ´til I was 11. The swedish society in the 70´s was extremely family-friendly. I remember my parents being home from work usually at 3 o´clock in the afternoon, long summer-holidays with sun and beach and camping, a great school with teachers who cared about the kids.
-Hreggnasi, Bolungarvík ´88-´90. An old, rather ugly house we rented in my village up north, where my parents still live. This was the first home we made together, my husband and me, and we were happy and very much in love, I seem to remember a sex-life with a vigour that nowadays makes me tired only thinking about it.
-Reykjavíkurvegur, Reykjavík ´90-´92. Our first own apartment. It was difficult at times to be buying your first property, but also very satisfying. As the number of children grew it soon became too small.
-Bakkastígur, Reykjavík ´96-?. Our dream-house which we bought and moved into in the summer of ´96 and we don´t intend to move out until we are carried out in a horizontal position.
4 TV-shows I like.
-CSI, the original, Grissom is such a great character.
-Law and Order SVU, being myself a survivor of sexual abuse in childhood I have a morbid interest for everything relating to sexual-violence and child-welfare issues.
-Boston Legal, don´t you just love James Spader and William Shatner together?
-Judging Amy, see above, by definition my interest also includes child-welfare issues.
4 places I have been on holiday.
-Copenhagen, Denmark. I have been there hundreds of times, both on holiday and for work. I love this city and feel like I´m coming home when I come there.
-Countless camping-sites in Sweden and Norway with my parents when I was a child and we lived in Sweden. I liked it because I was not one for much outdoor activity, but when we were camping and lying on beaches I could lie around reading my books without anyone saying anything.
-London, a few years back with one of my girlfriends. We went there for a whole week, just two ladies in their prime. We went shopping, saw museums, sat in cafés and pubs and restaurants. We had so much fun, I don´t think I´ve ever laughed so much.
-Paris a couple of years ago, with my husband, just the two of us. Wonderful, romantic and fun at the same time.
4 websites I visit daily.
-Bloglines, can´t understand what I did before I discovered them.
-Webstrik, my Yahoo knitting group. Wonderful inspiration in knitting and warm personal support.
-Spron.is , my bank, do all my bank business on my computer.
-All kinds of knitting related websites, different ones every day.
4 favorite foods.
-Liqorice, I´m crazy about liqorice, especially the old-fashion kind with a little salty taste.
-Almost anything with chocolate.
-Anything someone else cooks for me, I usually cook dinner every day, so the few times I can just sit down at a table and eat, I feel it´s such a luxury that I really don´t care what they are serving.
-Can´t think of any more.
4 places I would like to be.
-I´m not much of a day-dreamer, I enjoy the here and now, so I really don´t get any ideas about this.
4 bloggers I would like to tag.
-I think most of blogworld has already answered this, so if you read this and you are a blogger and you haven´t answered this, please feel free.
Update about book.
It has indeed been translated into English and can be bought here. http://www.nordicfiberarts.com/poetryinstitches.html
I can heartily recommend the book, it is beautiful, all the patterns come with very good instructions and the history behind the patterns is described in a vivid and entertaining matter.
søndag, marts 26, 2006
1 FO

-Ja så blev da en ting færdig, det grönne halstörklæde af Kathe´s smukke farvede garn. Her ligger den til blokning i gæsteværelset.
-Yes, I have a finished thing to show off, the green scarf from Kathe´s beautifully handdyed yarn. Here it is blokking in the guestroom.
-Jæja, náði að klára eitt stykki, græna trefilinn úr fallega handlitaða græna garninu frá Kathe. Hér liggur hann til þerris í gestaherberginu.
-Her et

-Close-up of the pattern
-Nærmynd af munstrinu.
-Jeg strikkede på pind 5,5 og kunne godt have brugt en större pind.
-I used a needel size 5,5mm (US 9) and could easily have gone up a couple of sizes.
-Ég notaði prjón nr 5,5 og hefði auðveldlega getað notað grófari prjón.
-Og fordi Kristi spurgte hvilket garn jeg har brugt, jeg har strikket af en tråd lysgrönt maskinstrikkegarn og en tråd af Kathe´s smukke håndfarvede uld i forskellige grönne nuancer.
-Since Kristi asked which yarn I was using, I´ve knitted this from one thread light-green machine-knitting yarn and one of Kathe´s beautifully handdyed yarn in various green nuances.
-Af því Kristi spurði hvaða garn ég notaði, ég prjónaði saman ljósgrænt vélprjónagarn og fallega handlitaða garnið hennar Kathe í mörgum grænum litum.
-Juuli spurgte om den bogen jeg viste i sidste indlæg, jeg har ledt og kan ikke finde at den har været oversat til engelsk, hvis nogen ved om det, venligst giv lyd fra jer.
-Since Juuli asked I have looked for the book I told you about in my last post, I can´t find any indications that it has been translated into english, if anyone knows better, please let me know.
-Af því Juuli spurði er ég búin að leita eftir bókinni sem ég sýndi hérna síðast, finn ekkert sem bendir til að hún hafi verið þýdd á ensku, ef einhver veit betur, vinsamlega látið mig vita.
onsdag, marts 22, 2006
En gave/A gift/Gjöf
-I got a gift a few days ago from a friend, a beautiful book, "Poetry in stitches" by Solveig Hisdal. There are so many pretty things in it, I´d most of all want to knit them all. Here are a few pictures.
-Ég fékk gjöf fyrir nokkru frá vinkonu minni, fallega bók, "Ljóð í lykkjum", eftir Solveig Hisdal. Það er svo margt fallegt í þessari bók, vildi helst prjóna það allt. Hér koma nokkrar myndir.

-Yes, I actually finished something. Two whole projects were made while we visited my parents this weekend. And I learnt to knit in the car. I actually think it makes the long drive a little more bearable, I´m terribly scared in the car, i.e. when I´m not driving myself, and it helps to have something else to concentrate on, so I think I will be doing it again.
-Já, ég kláraði heil tvö verkefni á meðan á heimsókninni til foreldra minna stóð um helgina. Og ég lærði að prjóna í bílnum. Mér finnst það gera þennan langa akstur bærilegri, ég er nefnilega hræðilega bílhrædd, þ.e. þegar ég er ekki sjálf að keyra, og það er skárra þegar ég hef annað að hugsa um á meðan, svo ég mun örugglega halda þessu áfram.

-My first knitted socks, i.e. the first time I knit socks for myself, and also the first time I knit adult size socks in such thin yarn.
-Fyrstu prjónuðu sokkarnir mínir, þ.e. fyrsta sinn sem ég prjóna sokka á sjálfa mig og fyrsta sinn sem ég prjóna fullorðins stærð af sokkum í svona fínu garni.
-Opal Prisma, 425m/150gr, 4-ply, pinde/needles/prjónar 2,5mm (US 1).

-Jeg ved jeg sagde jeg ikke skulle strikke flere, men nu har min store dreng önsket sig en, han havde födselsdag sidste uge, 22 år. Han kommer hjem til påsken (han er til sös), og da får han den som en sen födselsdagsgave.
-I know I said I wouldn´t knit this one again, but now my big boy has wished for one, he had his birthday last week, 22 years. He´s coming home for easter (he´s at sea) and he will get it as a late birthday present.
-Ég veit ég sagðist ekki ætla að prjóna fleiri svona, en nú hefur stóri drengurinn minn óskað eftir svona húfu, hann átti afmæli í síðustu viku, 22ja ára. Hann kemur heim um páskana (hann er á sjó), og þá fær hann hana sem síðbúna afmælisgjöf.
- Sandnes Smart, 100m/50gr, pinde/needles/prjónar 3,5mm (US 4), opskrift/pattern/munstur her/here/hér.
torsdag, marts 16, 2006
Gammelt strik / Old knitting / Gamalt prjón
-For want of new things to show you I´m posting pictures of a few pre-blogging knits.
-Þar sem ég hef ekkert nýtt að sýna set ég inn nokkrar myndir af hlutum sem ég gerði áður en ég byrjaði að skrifa hér.

-Here´s Aníta Rós, my best friends daughter, in a dress a knit for her older sister a few years ago out of leftovers of fur yarn and various cottons.
-Hér er Aníta Rós, dóttir vinkonu minnar, í kjól sem ég prjónaði fyrir nokkrum árum á stóru systur hennar úr afgöngum af loðgarni og ýmsu bómullargarni.

-A doll I knit when my daughter was little.
-Dúkka sem ég prjónaði þegar dóttir mín var lítil.

-A blanket I crocheted out of leftovers a few years back, much used for cozying in the sofa.
-Teppi sem ég heklaði fyrir nokkrum árum úr afgöngum, mikið notað þegar slappa skal af í sófanum.

-Min mand og hans mor. Hun er 83 år, har födt 12 börn, mistet 3 af dem og sin mand, men er stadig altid glad og energisk og har en hukommelse som en elefant. Her snakkes der om noget der skete i gamle dage.
-My husband and his mother. She is 83 years old, has given birth to 12 children, lost 3 of them and her husband also, but is still going strong, happy and energetic and has a memory like an elephant. Here they are talking about something that happened in the old days.
-Maðurinn minn og móðir hans. Hún er 83 ára, hefur eignast 12 börn, misst 3 þeirra auk mannsins síns, en er enn hress og kát og hefur stálminni. Hér er spjallað um eitthvað sem gerðist í gamla daga.
mandag, marts 06, 2006
Project Multi-tasking.
-I´m struggling to follow the doctor´s orders about having several different projects going at once. I´m used to getting into one thing at a time so I think it´s really hard. I forget all the time and have to give myself a kick in the behind. It seems as I don´t get anywhere with anything since I´m always shifting between projects. I try to work on one thing pr day and to have a rule about having four different things in the basket. I joined the blanket knitalong in my internet knitting club and am working on two different blankets, so there I have two things, and then I´m knitting a shawl to go with my new overcoat from Copenhagen and a scarf to give to the two oldest children´s mother, my husbands former wife. She has had a rough time with serious illness and a big operation so I want to send her something nice.
-Ég er að berjast við að fylgja fyrirmælum læknisins um að vinna að mörgum hlutum í einu. Ég er vön að detta alveg ofan í eitt í einu svo þetta er erfitt. Ég gleymi mér stöðugt og þarf að sparka í rassinn á sjálfri mér. Mér finnst ég ekki komast áfram með neitt þegar ég er alltaf að skipta á milli. Ég er að reyna að vinna í einum hlut á dag og að hafa reglu um fjóra hluti í körfunni í einu. Ég skráði mig í teppa-samprjón hjá netprjónaklúbbnum mínum og er að vinna að tveimur teppum, þar eru tvö verkefni, svo er ég að prjóna mér sjal við nýju kápuna mína frá Kaupmannahöfn og trefil sem ég ætla að gefa móður tveggja elstu barnanna, fyrri konu mannsins míns. Hún er búin að vera að berjast við veikindi og stóran uppskurð svo mig langar að senda henni eitthvað fallegt.

-Det grönne tæppe har nu tre felter, og jeg har bestemt at det skal blive til et babytæppe, den förste ting jeg strikker til det ventede barnebarn.
-The green blanket now has three patches, and I have decided that it will be a baby-blanket, the first thing I knit for the coming grand-child.
-Græna teppið er nú komið með þrjá búta, og ég hef ákveðið að það verði barnateppi, fyrsti hluturinn sem ég prjóna handa væntanlegu barnabarni.

-Tæppe nr 2 er hæklet og har nu 3 ruder, vi får se hvor stort det bliver.
-Blanket nr 2 is crocheted and now has 3 squares, we will see how big it gets.
-Teppi nr 2 er heklað og hefur nú 3 ferninga, við sjáum til hversu stórt það verður.

-Mit orange sjal, til den nye frakke.
-My orange shawl, to go with the new coat.
-Appelsínugula sjalið mitt, við nýju kápuna.

-Det grönne halstörklæde til min mands forrige frue.
-The green scarf for my husbands former wife.
-Græni trefillinn fyrir fyrri konu mannsins.

-Nærbillede af mönstret i törklædet.
-Close-up of the scarf-pattern.
-Nærmynd af mynstrinu í treflinum.
lørdag, marts 04, 2006
Hvad kan det dog være? / What can this be? / Hvað getur þetta verið?

-Jeg har lige strikket dette stykke, men hvad kan det dog være?
-I just knitted this, but what can it be?
-Ég var að enda við að prjóna þetta, en hvað getur þetta verið?
-Man skal folde det sammen efter vejledningen og.....
-You fold it according to the instructions and ....
-Maður brýtur þetta saman eftir leiðbeiningum og ....
-En babytröje!
-A baby jacket!
-Opskrift fra Elizabeth Zimmerman´s bog Knitting workshop, strikket på pind 4mm af pink multifarvet Opal 4-trådet strömpegarn + en tynd röd maskinstrikketråd.
-Pattern from Elizabeth Zimmerman´s book Knitting workshop, knitted on needles 4mm (US 6) with pink multicoloured Opal 4-ply sockyarn + a thin red machine-knitting thread.
-Uppskrift úr bók Elizabeth Zimmerman Knitting workshop, prjónað á prjóna 4mm úr bleiku marglitu 4-þátta Opal sokkagarni + rauðu fínu vélprjónabandi.
fredag, marts 03, 2006
Når man bliver bedstemor! / When one becomes a grandmother! / Þegar maður verður amma!
-I totally forgot to tell you that when I was in Denmark a couple of weeks ago I got these books, I think they can be said to be a necessity for grandmothers to be.
-Ég gleymdi alveg að segja frá því að þegar ég var í Danmörku um daginn fékk ég þessar bækur, held þær hljóti að teljast nauðsynleg eign fyrir verðandi ömmur.

Aren´t they just lovely?
Eru þær ekki bara yndislegar?
Endnu en gave!/ Yet another gift!/ Ein gjöfin enn!
-Again I got a gift, this time from Inge Sommer, another member of the internet knitting-club I sent my shawlpatterns to. I´m beginning to get embarassed over these girls´ generosity.
-Enn fékk ég gjöf, þetta skiptið frá Inge Sommer, enn ein úr netprjónaklúbbnum sem fékk sendar uppskriftirnar mínar að sjölunum.

-In the package there were 300gr Bauernwolle in a fine "old-fashioned" variegated grey colour, a pretty card and a book I have been sending longing looks at for some time; Strik og krymp, about felting in the washing-machine. There are so many nice felting projects in this book, big and small. I´ve been thinking that I needed to get some patterns for this kind of things since I have a whole big sack of yarn for felting. I look forward to getting started.
-Í pakkanum voru 300gr Bauernwolle i fallegum "gamaldags" grásprengdum lit, fallegt kort og bók sem mig hefur lengi langað í; Strik og krymp, um að þæfa prjón í þvottavélinni. Þar eru uppskriftir að mörgum skemmtilegum hlutum í þessari bók, litlum og stórum. Ég hef verið að hugsa að mig vantaði svona uppskriftir þar sem ég er með stóran sekk fullan af garni sem hentar vel til þæfingar. Ég hlakka til að komast í gang.