her skal jeg fortælle om mine erfaringer med mit strik og indimellem også vise nogle billeder af det som bevis på at jeg virkelig får lavet noget!
-Jeg har helt forelsket mig i konceptet med denne lille jakke. Men, de sender kun indenfor NordAmerika! Den kommer HERFRA og er designet af Norah Gaughan.
-I am totally in love with the concept of this little jacket. But, they only ship within North America! It´s FROM HERE and it´s designed by Norah Gaughan.
-Ikke så meget denne uge, dog har den röde sweater nu et ærme og jeg håber på at få det andet færdigt inden næste uge er omme.
-Not so much this week, but the red sweater now has a sleeve and I hope to get the other one done before the end of next week.
-I got gifted, handmade gifts, which are the very best kind. First I got this pretty, crocheted guest towel from Bente. This gift is part of the Pay-it-forward game which ran through blogland in the autumn, and I still haven´t made the three gifts I´m supposed to send out. Wonderful to get surprise gifts, especially when they´re as nice as this one.
-Og så har min mor syet og bragt mig disse varmeunderlæg, og jeg synes de er virkelig söde, der er syet i med mangfarvet tråd, en rigtig flot detalje.
-And then my mother sewed and brought me these coasters/hotpads, and I think they are really cute, they are sewn with a multicoloured thread, a really nice detail.